Peony Bouquet Pattern & Name


This pretty peony bouquet design will make a stunning feature wall. The Bouquets are 20cm x 17cm and there are 25 of them. The name is roughly 110cm wide & 34cm high – depending on the size of the name.


Introducing Our Elegant Peony Bouquet Feature Wall Sticker – A Gorgeous Addition to Transform Any Space!

Elevate the beauty and sophistication of your room with our exquisite Peony Bouquet Pattern & Name Wall Sticker. This stunning design not only adds a touch of elegance but also brings a sense of natural beauty and charm to your space.

Product Highlights:

  • Design: This peony bouquet wall sticker is a captivating idea for creating a room that exudes floral elegance and grace. The design consists of 25 bouquets, each measuring 20cm x 17cm, arranged to create a stunning feature wall. The name, which compliments the design, is roughly 110cm wide and 34cm high (depending on the size of the name).
  • Customization: While the size of the name can vary based on your preferences, other aspects can also be adjusted to suit your needs. Please feel free to contact us for a quote if you’d like to make any changes.
  • Production Time: Custom orders are meticulously crafted and may take up to 5 working days to complete. We are dedicated to delivering top-quality, personalized products.
  • Shipping: We offer convenient shipping to locations all over South Africa, ensuring your order arrives in pristine condition. To protect your sticker, we package it securely in a sturdy tube.

Transform your room into a haven of natural beauty and elegance with this Peony Bouquet Pattern & Name wall sticker. It’s a beautiful way to inspire a sense of tranquility and create a space that’s uniquely yours.

Order yours today and let your room bloom with beauty, grace, and a personalized touch of nature!

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